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How to share your event as a PDF or image

Image share

Seat Puzzle supports sharing your event floor plan as an image.

  1. From your event, tap “Edit event” to open the event editor.
  2. Tap “Export Image” to make an image and choose what to do with it (Post to Instagram, send to someone with Messages, save to your camera roll, etc).


Demo of sharing a photo of your floor plan on social media

Guest report spreadsheet

Seat Puzzle supports exporting a summary spreadsheet of your tables and guests.

  1. From your event, tap “Guests” to open the Guest list panel.
  2. Open the “Guest Report”.
  3. Tap “Export spreadsheet”.


Demo of exporting your event guest list and seating chart as a spreadsheet

How to work together on an event floor plan with someone else How to use the guest report and export a guest spreadsheet How to create a PDF of your event

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